new rat rod project



  • bent metal
    bent metal Senior Contributor
    Looks like all of the pictures are gone.  :(  
    The story isn't the same without pictures.
  • I just skipped through it, the lack of pics sure wrecked your thread.
  • PaulButler
    PaulButler Administrator
    Regarding the lack of pictures. This forum has moved home a few times over the past years and it now sits as under the "official" website

    The forum had to move because the original hosting site was sold and wasn't able to offer a home to it so it was agreed that it could have a place of its own with the web site. There is a fuller story behind that which , if I can find, I'll post a link to it.

    In the transfer across things like pictures etc. weren't available so that is why these "older" posts are missing them.

    Completely outside of our control I'm afraid
  • bent metal
    bent metal Senior Contributor
    I might try and recreate the pictures on this thread.  Did anyone happen to save these pics?  I'm having a hard time figuring out what photos I used in specific places within' this thread.